Announcing the lucky winner of the Karen's World of Beauty "One Year Blogiversary Giveaway" who is going to receive over $150 worth of awesome beauty products!!! Congratulations to:
Havilland Savage
A sincere and heartfelt "thank you" to all my loyal Karen's World of Beauty Readers/Subscribers whether you entered the contest or not. I truly appreciate your support and love over the past year...without you dear Readers this blog would just be the ramblings of a beauty obsessed Diva. I hope you continue to find this blog a valuable source of unique and helpful advice in the world of beauty.
Karen (aka MakUpDiva)
**Please note if you are a contest winner you must respond to my email with your mailing address within a week after the end of the drawing in order to receive your prize. I am not responsible for anything that happens once prizes are mailed out. If it gets lost, damaged or melts, etc., I'm sorry but I can’t replace it. Thank you!
Yay! Yay! Yay! OMG! Thank you so much! I'm emailing you my contact info RIGHT NOW! ;-) Thanks & happy anniversary again!
@HavillandSavage - Twitter